Is your company interested in becoming a Partner
of the 2025 edition of Il Salone dei Pagamenti?
The Salone is the crossroads of innovation, which fosters dialogue between the world of banks, financial companies and payment systems and tech companies and fintech startups: a broad and differentiated group of players, opening up a range of possibilities and scenarios for exchange.
The Salone makes it possible to select modular solutions that optimise the effectiveness of presence. Presenting your faces, experience and solutions during the Sessions or with a physical presence in the large Exhibition Area, which is an integral part of the event.
The Salone provides occasions for ad hoc visibility: opportunities designed for different types of companies, but also possibilities for involvement by the general public.
Partners can carry out promotional, networking and communication activities, illustrate solutions and give out information materials.
Partners will be able to access conference sessions with original content fully shared with ABIServizi.
Partners will be able to present their strategy to the audience and expound operating solutions, through an effective narrative path supported by testimonials and success stories.
Throughout the three days, Partners are able to plan various opportunities for networking.