Milano - 28 | 29 | 30 October 2025
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Abi Media Partner

Media Partner

The new website aims to highlight the never ending commitment of bank companies to innovation in this age of digital and technological evolution. Hence, innovation becomes the fundamental element and the "fil rouge" that links the efforts of journalists and experts, both from Italy and worldwide, in telling our world and its transformations. sends regular newsletters (every two weeks), which contain news and in-deep focuses on innovation and international banking, to bank professionals, consulting companies and firms. is a prompt, swift and effective digital channel that supports the events from ABIEventi during the year, keeping its community of partecipants, experts and spokesmen updated, through its social channels. is updated daily with every news about the sectors it covers. In 2017 660 articles and news, 350 videos and 100 newsletters were published.


Partner can have great visibility through

  • Website: easily read by desktop computers, tablets, smartphones and rich of multimedia contents, articles, interviews, news, specials, videos and photos.
  • Newsletters: sent every two weeks to a selectioned mailing list, with over 30,000 adresses. Do you want to submit? Click here!
  • Socials: Linkedin, Facebook, X that use both ABIEventi and Bancaria Editrice digital ecosystem.
  • Special newsletter: focused on a specific meeting

Send a mail to [email protected] to know about every details and have a tailor made proposal fitting your needs.


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