Please find here below the Salone proceedings.

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6 november 2019

Fintech District: Open Banking - Open Platform

Alessandro Longoni, Fintech District

Fintech District: Cooperation banks-fintech: challenges and oppurtunities

Alessandro Ninfole, Deposit Solutions

Fintech District: Fintech Reverse Accelerator

Mico Curatolo, Fintech District

How to use accelerators to attract innovation

Andrè Cipolla, Societe Generale
Vicenzo Fiore, Auriga

WORKSHOP AXEPTA BNP PARIBAS - Il valore di un Gruppo Internazionale come partner nei servizi di pagamento

Axepta BNP Paribas

WORKSHOP GRUPPO BANCARIO COOPERATIVO ICCREA - Ventis as Digital Hub to support the Banks of GBCI

Stiven Muccioli, Ventis

WORKSHOP TAS GROUP - Competing in a cooperative way in the Open Banking babel: CBI-Globe and PagoPA as differentiating drivers

Gianluca Finistauri, NEXI
Massimiliano Quattrocchi, TAS GROUP

WORKSHOP POSTEPAY POSTE ITALIANE - Postepay ecosystem: digital payments evolution and 5G opportunities

Walter Pinci, Postepay
Alessia Luisi, Postepay

WORKSHOP BAIN & COMPANY - The Future of payments: market trends and innovations

Bain & Company

WORKSHOP ABI/ABI Lab - Spunta Bank DLT: from concept to reality

Silvia Attanasio, ABI
Romano Stasi, ABI Lab


WORKSHOP MASTERCARD - Smart Life: innovative payments and mobility in the cities of the future

Anita Valentini, Atac
Monica Rinchi, Busitalia

Big Data: too big to ignore

Marialetizia Temofonte, CBI
Alberto Firpo, Agile Lab
Letizia Matarrese, Iccrea Banca, Capogruppo del Gruppo Iccrea
Federico Mori, Credem
Najla Said, IBM Cloud

WORKSHOP NEXI - Digital payments as a business engine for large and small companies


WORKSHOP PWC - Salary-backed loans and Blockchain: from prototypes to Systemic projects


WORKSHOP INGENICO GROUP - Do you speak smart-payments?



Beyond the blockchain euphoria - is decentralization ready for mass adoption?

Valerio Villani, Enterprise

IoT Payment: Smart Home, Smart Infrastructure, Automotive

Roberto Garavaglia,

Open Banking: what we know, what we should know

Federico Aondio, Accenture Strategy
Sara Marcozzi, PwC Italy

7 november 2019

People, Machines, Money

Massimo Bustreo, Università IULM ed Edoardo Ares
Gennaro Tufano, Banco BPM

Digital payments as new leverage to accelerate the development of BtoB

Alessandro Mainente, Burgess Norton Europe
Mattia Sola, Burgess Norton Europe
Geronimo Pirro, Amadeus IT Group
Ilaria Tiezzi, Brandon Group

SEPA instant and more

Enrico Albertelli, NEXI
Daniele Astarita, ACI Worldwide
John France, Fis Global
Gino Gai, DEPObank
Javier Santamaria, European Payments Council
Luigi Tagliaferro, Igea Banca

Beyond the Open Banking: the even more cashless customer

Renato Martini, NEXI


WORKSHOP NEXI - Open Banking - ecosystems of the future

Roberto Catanzaro, NEXI

WORKSHOP ENTERPRISE - Intelligent Platforms on the Bank Governance service... analytics and enhanced research capabilities on Big Data related to Payments and more


WORKSHOP CRIF - Platform economy: Italian and worldwide best practice as told by the players

Simone Capecchi,  CRIF
Alessio Balduini, CRIF Business Solutions Ltd
Andrea Gaboardi, NEXI
Vincezo Mauro, Mediocredito Centrale

Open Banking to the test of the GDPR

Giorgio Di Napoli, Accenture

Fintech District: Landscape Evolution: new entrances in the italian market

Stefania Barbato, Fintech District
Niall Bellabarba, Elinvar
Niccolò Pravettoni, Crowdestate
Mariano Spalletti, Qonto


Customer Experience and engagement: towards uninterrupted purchaising experience

Pasquale Ambrosio,  KPMG Advisory
Silvia Bosio, PacoPetShop

WORKSHOP BANCOMAT® - BANCOMAT S.p.A.: the steps to move together towards freedom



WORKSHOP BAIN & COMPANY - Online-to-Offline, the shop of tomorrow in between physical and virtual store



PSD2: where we are and where we are going

Rita Camporeale, ABI
Massimiliano Colangelo, Accenture e SEC Servizi
Salvatore Corigliano, PwC Italy
Silvia Cotta Ramusino, CRIF
Massimo Doria, Banca d’Italia
Davide Girompini, IBM
Emiliano Imbimbo, NEXI


How millennials consume, how millennials pay

Lavinia Mancini, Postepay


WORKSHOP ABI Lab / CERTFin - Be (Cyber) Prepared - A framework to verifing responsive ness



WORKSHOP INTESA SANPAOLO - Digital payments: the evolution of the daily user experience


The guidelines for blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Stefano Bistarelli, Università di Perugia e CINI
Federico Pecoraro, Chainblock

Open Banking, open risk?

Marc Bertogliati, Ethoca 
Alessandro Menna, Capgemini

Payments and smart city platform: experiencing daily innovation

Flavio Mastrangelo, Postepay
Dennis Pintamalli, ADVAM a TNS Company


E-commerce in the fashion and luxury retail industry: “potential to delight”?

Valentina Gorgoglione, Bain & Company

Fintech District: Best in class Innovator: Credimi

Ignazio Rocco di Torrepadula, Credimi

Accelerators, Innovation hubs and city promotional agencies: how to work together to bring innovation opportunities?

Joost Berger, StartupBootcamp
Clelia Tosi e Alessandro Longoni, Head Fintech District

ABI Lab: the banking digital transformation

Romano Stasi, ABI Lab

WORKSHOP ACCENTURE - The future of open banking: from “Open Banking” to “Open Business”. Fisrt steps cross-industry in the italian market

Roberto Catanzaro, NEXI
Gianluca Bufo, Iren Mercato


WORKSHOP NEXI - Nexi smart cities solutions: payment evolution for citizens, businesses and Public Administration

Enrico Trovati, NEXI

AI, machine learning, algorithms and payments: where we are and where we are going

Lorenzo Fredianelli, Mastercard
Ruggero Maresca, Accenture
Marco Rotoloni, ABI Lab
Massimo Tonassi, Deloitte Consulting


Supply chain and digital payments

Andrea Colmegna, Fastweb e Smart Contract Association
Lorenzo Giustozzi, Chainside
Pietro Lanza,  Intesa IBM e IBM Italy

Digital on-boarding, biometrics and new authentication systems: the new frontiers of security

Jerry Fosker, Discover
Gian Luca Marcialis
Giulio Murri, ABI Lab


WORKSHOP IPSOS - Smartpayments & SmartBanks: an experience full of... surprises!


8 november 2019

Payments, companies, citizens: towards a truly digital Public Administration

Marco Torri, NEXI 

Pay 2.0, the money of the future - Let’s face up to the challenge

Monica Rivelli e Igor Lazzaroni, FEduF
Antonia Manzini e Pietro Turrisi, Banca d’Italia - Sede di Milano

WORKSHOP BAIN & COMPANY - The future of Open Banking: Europe vs Asia

Mariagiovanna Di Feo, Bain & Company
Enrico Billi, Ipsos
Monia Ferrari, Capgemini
Alessandro Piccioni, Nexi


Cryptocurrencies and new players in the payment market: impacts, regulation, privacy

Andrea Alemanno, IPSOS

Cashless revolution: challenges for the creation of digital Italy

Mauro Minenna, ACI Informatica
Fabio Sorrentino, CBI
Lorenzo Tavazzi, The European House Ambrosetti
Giuseppe Virgone, PagoPA

Managing cash in a digital world

Roberto Rinaldi, Banca d’Italia
Tiziana Torres, Banca d'Italia
Maria Ludovica Siciliani, Banca d'Italia
Sabino Illuzzi, Intesa Sanpaolo


Auriga Fintech Award

Cardo AI
Open AI

Evolution of market infrastructures and migration to ISO20022

Mario Mendia, TAS GROUP
Giuseppe Niolu, KPMG Advisory
Mauro Romaniello, UniCredit
Domenico Scaffidi, Volante Technologies
Giandomenico Scarpelli, Banca d’Italia
Stefano Trinci, Enterprise

A “digital wallet” for the Citizen: “iO”, the app to interact with the Public Administration

Il "digital wallet" del Cittadino: "iO", l'app dei servizi pubblici

Cash management services: novelties and prospects

Claudio Di Stefano, Agid
Cinzia Simeone, MEF
Gianpiero Zaffi Borgetti, IFEL Fondazione ANCI

Not only Libra: the cryptocurrency market

Valeria Portale, Politecnico di Milano

WORKSHOP DIGITAL MAGICS - Magic Wand: the first international Accelerator Program focused on Finterch, Insurtech, Blockchain and Cybersecurity

Marco Gay e Layla Pavone, Digital Magics


From Open Banking to Open Data Economy

Dario Delle Noci, CBI